

Achieve more together

Cooperation partners

The Bayerische TelemedAllianz cooperates with partners from science, medicine and business to advance digitalization in the healthcare sector. Together, they develop innovative solutions for better healthcare.

Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen

Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen

Combined expertise in your neurological and orthopedic specialist clinic on the edge of the Alps. On the edge of the Alps near Rosenheim, the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen offers a wide range of highly qualified and interdisciplinary medical care. With the new building opened in May 2019, the specialist clinic has more than 440 beds and, with around 1,300 employees, provides the most modern treatment methods with specialized orthopedic and neurological expertise at the highest level.



Optimization of complex pharmacotherapy – safer and faster PGXperts brings drug interactions into the genomics age

PGXperts is dedicated to pharmacogenetics, which enables individualized and personalized medications. The company believes that it will soon be as essential for doctors to have access to patient-specific genetic information as blood work is today. The breakthrough in decoding the human genome has paved the way for personalized medicine, supported by technological advances in genetic analysis and data-based interpretations.

 PGXperts researches the relationship between genetic characteristics and drug metabolism to optimize drug selection and dosing. They use their specialized database and collaborations with scientific societies and regulatory authorities to provide evidence-based information for medication. PGXperts develops independently and to the highest quality standards and offers comprehensive, technologically advanced pharmacogenetic interpretations. Einfach & innovativ. Arztbesuch per Online-Sprechstunde. Simple & innovative. Visit the doctor via online consultation. offers you the opportunity to be cared for by experienced doctors easily and free of charge via online video consultation.

Fast appointment scheduling for adults and children

Sick notes, prescriptions and referrals digitally

Free of charge for patients with statutory health insurance

Book an appointment in just a few minutes to receive free treatment from a doctor.


Digital technologies enable innovative care and treatment concepts for outpatient statutory health insurance care. With docdirekt, the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBW) is the first statutory health insurance association to launch a telemedicine project. This offers patients quality-assured telemedical access to medical care.

docakut online

docakut online

Digital technologies enable innovative care and treatment concepts for outpatient statutory health insurance care. With docakut online, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Lower Saxony (KVN) is the first statutory health insurance association to launch a telemedicine project. This offers patients quality-assured telemedical access to medical care.

VR Expert

VR Expert

Your business VR and AR hardware supplier in Germany. Services for companies. Fully supplied. Full testing. Fast delivery. Installation and support.

Ambulanter Pflege- und Versorgungsdienst in Ingolstadt Sonnenglanz GmbH

Outpatient nursing and care service in Ingolstadt Sonnenglanz GmbH
We want to help you lead a life of dignity and as much independence as possible. We don't see you as a patient, but as a person with a heart.



garrioCOM is a secure communication platform for the healthcare sector that aims to improve communication between patients and doctors. With garrioCOM, you can easily get in touch with your practice, for example to receive laboratory results as text or PDF.

The app also enables communication between different doctor's offices, which is particularly advantageous for referrals or consultations between general practitioners and specialists. More information:

Paxisnetz GO IN

Paxisnetz GO IN

The GO IN practice network is an association of doctors of all disciplines from Region 10. We are currently pleased to have around 200 medical practices that are members of the practice network. GO IN aims to sustainably improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of medical care in the region. This is achieved, among other things, through many collaborations with service providers and funding bodies in Region 10.

MEDI Bayern e.V.

MEDI Bayern e.V.

MEDI Bayern eV is an interest group of Bavarian contracted doctors and psychotherapists and is thus the heart of a dynamic movement that connects all service providers. We offer you an integrated platform for medical training, networking, digitization and political influence - from individual practices to doctor networks and specialist associations - with the latest know-how - specifically from doctors - for doctors!


group place

Since May 2019, Gruppenplatz has been helping clients find a group psychotherapy place using a nationwide search function - and relieves psychotherapists of the burden of organizing the group. Therapy requests and appointments are conveniently managed online. Our video also illustrates the advantages of a group from the participant's perspective. The aim of the platform is to lower the hurdle to group therapy and to publish important information, such as group times, transparently. This means that psychotherapists receive more suitable requests and receive support in organizing and building a network. Those looking for a group save themselves the trouble of answering the phone thanks to the digital request option.


Health care

The Sanivita concept Since 2005, Sanivita has stood for good ideas and good health products. We only offer products that are suitable for promoting and maintaining your health or making your everyday life more pleasant. The Sanivita brand combines the skills of the medical specialist trade as a shopping and advice location close to you with the advantages of mail order and online trading. You order through Ludwig Bertram GmbH, the contract and service partner of your local Sanivita specialist shop. Therefore, during the ordering process you will be asked for your Sanivita specialist shop, which will also be available to provide you with advice and assistance if you have any questions after the purchase. Ludwig Bertram GmbH is based in 30916 Isernhagen. Sanivita offers an extensive range. It may happen that not all of the products you want are always available in the Sanivita specialist shop. However, online shipping ensures that your desired item can be delivered to your home within three days of your order being accepted at the latest.

Schlaganfallbegleitung gGmbH

Schlaganfallbegleitung gGmbH

vbms Schlaganfallbegleitung gGmbH is a non-profit organization from Berlin that uses digital means to contribute to the primary and secondary prevention of strokes and advocates for the needs of those affected and their relatives. Behind it is an intersectoral team of people who diagnose and treat strokes and are involved in aftercare.

The company offers the following solutions:
The free information platform about stroke for those affected and their relatives.
A self-help forum
A digital stroke care course for relatives, which is reimbursed by most health insurance companies.
A digital stroke prevention course Nutrition certified according to § 20 SGB V and therefore also reimbursable.

softgate GmbH

softgate GmbH

Since 1992, softgate has been a service provider for software development and software solutions in medical technology. From hardware-related programming and motion control, to software for imaging and video, to connectivity based on common standards, we develop customer-specific solutions and products for manufacturers of medical devices. Our focus is on the highest quality of our services in order to meet the demands of our customers and regulatory requirements. Our quality management, certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485, forms the basis for this. Our project teams have extensive project experience and in-depth technical know-how, which enables us to solve even complex tasks and problems professionally.

Therapiezentrum Burgau, Fachklinik für Neurologische Rehabilitation

Therapy Center Burgau, Specialist Clinic for Neurological Rehabilitation

The Burgau Therapy Center is a large and renowned specialist clinic for neurological rehabilitation and has the longest experience in Bavaria in treating patients with acquired brain damage (e.g. after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral hemorrhage). With a capacity of 111 beds, the range of services includes early neurological rehabilitation (Phase B) and advanced neurological rehabilitation (Phase C). This makes us the third largest early rehabilitation clinic in the Free State of Bavaria. 500 dedicated employees at the Burgau Therapy Center are committed to the rehabilitation and recovery of our patients.

Universitätsklinikum Regensburg

Regensburg University Hospital

The Regensburg University Hospital is actively supporting digitalization in the healthcare sector with a variety of projects and technical innovations. By investing in new systems, adapting many processes and creating new structures, we are optimizing our processes and making communication more efficient both internally and with patients, referring physicians and other healthcare partners.

 Telematics infrastructure The telematics infrastructure (TI) is a specially secured "data highway" for the exchange of information in the German healthcare system. In the future, it is intended to digitally network all players in the healthcare system and ensure an efficient and complete exchange of information. To this end, the UKR is also implementing new systems in everyday clinical practice, including for the electronic prescription (e-prescription), the electronic certificate of incapacity for work (eAU), electronic emergency data management (NFDM), the documentation of electronic data in the electronic health record (ePA) provided by the statutory health insurance companies, the electronic medication plan (eMP) and communication in the medical system (KIM) for the secure exchange of documents and attachments.

 Digitalization projects within the framework of the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) With financial support from the Federal Government and the European Union, the Regensburg University Hospital is investing specifically in new technologies that, on the one hand, implement new digital solutions and, on the other hand, further develop IT security. Among other things, the UKR is introducing a digital patient portal, digitizing patient files and treatment processes, and modernizing its IT infrastructure.

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

The Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe. Doctors and scientists research, treat and teach here at the highest international level. Over half of the German Nobel Prize winners for medicine and physiology come from the Charité, including Emil von Behring, Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich. The university hospital is valued worldwide as an excellent training facility.

The Charité is the joint medical faculty of the Free University of Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin. The Berlin University Medical Center is spread over a total of four campuses and includes more than 100 clinics and institutes, which are bundled in 17 Charité Centers. With more than 23,000 employees across the group, the Charité is one of the largest employers in the capital.

Kliniken Beelitz GmbH

Kliniken Beelitz GmbH

Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic Specialist Hospital for Neurological Early Rehabilitation Neurological Specialist Hospital for Movement Disorders / Parkinson's

inav – privates Institut für angewandte Versorgungsforschung

inav – private institute for applied health services research

The inav - private institute for applied health services research is one of the leading research and consulting institutes in the health care sector. In our 25-strong team, we combine expertise from science, business and politics. Our focus is on health services research, innovative health care concepts, digital health, outcomes research, pharmacoeconomics and market access.

We support numerous funding projects in the Innovation Fund, carry out health care research studies and advise on market trends and developments in the health policy environment. In addition, we are involved in several large projects in the area of digitization in the health care sector. Find out more about our service areas here.

Our network includes more than 100 partners from all areas of the healthcare sector. Our clients include health insurance companies, ministries, industrial companies, associations, service providers, start-ups and other players in the healthcare industry.

BKK Landesverband Bayern

BKK Landesverband Bayern

The BKK Landesverband Bayern is the umbrella organization for all company health insurance funds that have their headquarters in Bavaria. This includes 15 member funds. In addition, we also advocate for the company health insurance funds located nationwide and their insured persons in Bavaria.

As a public corporation, the core business of the BKK Bavarian State Association is to represent the interests of company health insurance funds vis-à-vis politicians, contractual partners, the public and other types of funds. We support our member funds with comprehensive information, individual advice and services.

BKK mkk – meine krankenkasse

BKK mkk – my health insurance

We are committed to innovations in the healthcare system in order to continuously improve standard care - for every customer. Our services are geared towards sustainable action and gender-specific healthcare.Andrea Galle, Board Member

Bundesverband selbstständiger Physiotherapeuten — IFK e. V.

Federal Association of Self-Employed Physiotherapists — IFK e. V.

As the national association of self-employed physiotherapists, we support you in all matters relating to your practice. Comprehensive services for our constantly growing number of members, innovative projects and a well-founded professional representation of interests are the core elements of our daily work for you - the self-employed in physiotherapy.

Cortex Management GmbH – Berufsverband Deutscher Neurologen e. V.

Cortex Management GmbH – Professional Association of German Neurologists e. V.

We represent the medical, social, business, legal and economic interests of neurological physicians and are committed to comprehensive outpatient and inpatient care for their patients as well as the continuous improvement of patient-oriented, neurological professional practice.

Arbeitskreis Rehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten und Schädelhirnverletzten in Bayern e. V.

Working Group for the Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients and Traumatic Brain Injury in Bavaria e. V.

Dr. med. Matthias Schaupp; Technical University of Rosenheim

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences

The Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences is a regionally rooted university with an international reputation. This is where people and ideas develop. At four locations, the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences offers over 50 practice-oriented bachelor's and master's degree programs in the fields of technology, business, design, health and social affairs.

Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe

German Stroke Association Foundation

The German Stroke Association Foundation prevents strokes, helps those affected and improves stroke care.

Benedictus Krankenhaus Feldafing

Benedictus Hospital Feldafing

The Benedictus Hospital Feldafing is an academic teaching hospital of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and is one of the most modern clinics nationwide for further treatment in acute and rehabilitation medicine in the fields of neurology, geriatrics and orthopedics. The pain center has also been one of the largest European specialist facilities for the multimodal therapy of chronic pain for decades and treats all types of pain both on an inpatient and day clinic basis.

Klinikum Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt Hospital

We are the region's "main hospital". Our mission is to provide comprehensive patient care at a high level of medical and nursing care. We feel committed to this care mandate and are aware of the high level of social responsibility that this entails, also for the future.

We want satisfied patients We consciously perceive our environment through the eyes of the patient and we face their expectations every day. We put them at the center and respond to their wishes and concerns. In doing so, we combine all of our professional skills with human warmth and respect in order to recognize the patient's opportunities but also to respect their limits.

We want to constantly improve. We have high and comprehensive standards for the quality of our services. In order to meet the quality requirements, we are constantly developing and implementing new ideas and improvements. We see criticism as an opportunity to continue to improve.

Together we achieve our goals. We are committed to motivated and competent employees so that they identify with our company. Openness, personal appreciation and mutual trust make us an effective team. We maintain an open communication culture. By giving each employee extensive scope for decision-making, we enable them to solve their tasks independently, quickly and flexibly. Intensive training and further education lay the foundation for this. We strive for successful and sustainable cooperation with our employees and external partners.

 Economic efficiency secures the futureWe strive for economic efficiency with high quality. This requires performance from us and the economical and ecologically sensible use of resources. In this way, we contribute to the long-term success and further development of our company.

IImtalkliniken GmbH

IImtalkliniken GmbH

We stand for high-quality medicine close to home in a personal atmosphere. Our hospitals offer you a broad range of all-round care and outstanding specialist services. Around 850 employees give their best every day and care for an average of 16,000 inpatients and 29,000 outpatients per year.

Kreiskrankenhaus Schrobenhausen GmbH

Kreiskrankenhaus Schrobenhausen GmbH

The hospital for basic and standard care has 150 beds and 9 day-patient dialysis places and is run by the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district. When caring for around 16,000 outpatients and inpatients every year, their well-being is always the focus of our efforts. Qualified employees from all professional groups ensure optimal medical care. We guarantee treatment to a high medical standard through highly qualified doctors, which is continuously developed in line with the latest scientific findings. Through nursing care at a high professional level - combined with human attention - we give our patients a feeling of security in a family setting during their stay in our hospital.

Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle

Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle

Your recovery is the central goal of our work. You should leave us with noticeably more quality of life, well-being and joy. In our 13 specialist clinics we offer professional healing procedures (HV) and follow-up treatment (AHB) in the following specialist areas:

  • Internal Medicine / Cardiology
  • Internal Medicine / Oncology
  • geriatrics
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  • psychosomatics
  • sleep medicine

We take a holistic approach – medical, therapeutic and nursing – and create individual treatment plans for all patients. In this way, our experts enable an optimal course of treatment.

Neurologie am Ostbahnhof

Neurology at Ostbahnhof

As experienced and committed neurologists, our aim is to advise you at a high medical level on all neurological and pain-related issues and to treat you in a way that is optimally tailored to your individual situation.

Neurologie am Hackeschen Markt

Neurology at Hackescher Markt

We offer you comprehensive diagnostics and treatment based on a detailed doctor-patient discussion and a thorough medical examination. In addition, we carry out the necessary technical examinations (EEG, EMG, NLG, ultrasound, MRI, lumbar puncture).

Berliner Schlaganfall- Allianz e. V.

Berlin Stroke Alliance e. V.

Since 2008, institutions from all areas of stroke care have been networking with each other in the BSA. The BSA thus brings together the expert knowledge on stroke in the Berlin and Brandenburg region and enables qualified advice and information. The BSA has been a non-profit organization since February 12, 2015.The main goals of the Berlin Stroke Alliance are to improve the care of stroke patients and to conduct patient-oriented studies. The Stroke Service Point advice center, the Stroke information series and the "Stroke Helper" project are available to those affected.The Berlin Stroke Alliance was initiated by the Center for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB).

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation e. V.

German Society for Neurorehabilitation e. V.

The German Society for Neurorehabilitation eV (DGNR) is an association of doctors who work in the field of neurorehabilitation. Its goal is the further development of neurological rehabilitation - for better care for patients with severe damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. The non-profit scientific-medical specialist society based in Bonn has existed since 1989. The DGNR is a focus society of the German Society for Neurology (DGN). Goals: The DGNR is committed to researching and developing methods and procedures in neurological rehabilitation, promotes further medical training in this area and is committed to training other professional groups involved in rehabilitation. To this end, it works closely with service providers and bodies and organizations responsible for rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation: Neurorehabilitation supports the special ability of the nervous system to reorganize itself and adapt its functions after irreversible damage. The therapeutic interventions activate and optimize the plasticity and compensatory capacity of central nervous structures.

BIG direkt gesund

BIG direkt gesund

BIG direkt gesund: As Germany's first direct health insurance company, we help our customers in an uncomplicated and individual manner - with all their questions about health and insurance coverage.

Audi BKK

Audi BKK

Audi BKK is the healthcare provider in your region and a partner for company health management. As a service company with a long tradition, we act as people for people and use our experience to the benefit of our customers and partners. We feel responsible towards our customers and partners and continually adapt our quality standards to your needs. Audi BKK offers you attractive solutions for your health and makes innovative care and quality-assured medical progress available to you.

BKK Akzo Nobel

BKK Akzo Nobel

Healthy from experienceThe BKK Akzo Nobel Bayern was founded in 1924 as the company health insurance fund of Bayerische Glanzstoff-Fabriken AG. At that time we were called BKK der Bayerische Glanzstoff-Fabriken and looked after 692 members. A health insurance contribution of 6% was charged based on the 54-hour working week.Insured throughout BavariaIn 1999, by resolution of the Board of Directors, our fund was opened to everyone who lives or works in Bavaria. At that time we had 7,974 members and were given our current name "BKK Akzo Nobel".Since then, our number of insured people has steadily increased. Almost 53,000 insured people now trust in our strong health protection. This makes us the largest company health insurance fund and the second largest statutory health insurer in the Aschaffenburg/Miltenberg region.

BKK Faber-Castell & Partner

BKK Faber-Castell & Partner

The oldest Bavarian health insurance company - since 1844Over 180 years. That's how long our BKK has been helping its insured people to go through life a little safer and more relaxed.In all that time there have always been immovable pillars that have supported our actions.One of the most important was and is trust. The mutual trust between the insured people, the BKK team, the companies and health partners has created a unique climate in which real solidarity, cohesion and open communication could grow. Hiding behind anonymous memos or unthinkingly referring to bureaucratic paragraphs was never our thing. Rather, we are traditionally a health insurance company that likes to talk to its insured people in order to help whenever possible within the framework of the legal possibilities and to look for individual solutions. And we will continue to be that in the future. Promise.

The motivation that led Lothar von Faber to found BKK 180 years ago is the same one that still sets us apart today: to create security and stability when it comes to maintaining health - and in the event of illness. As a reliable companion and competent partner. No matter how fast-moving and challenging the times are.

Lothar von Faber and the BKK's sponsoring and partner companies were pioneers in this respect, and their approach was very innovative at the time. It was only decades later that politicians realized how important it is to address these people's needs.

Even today, trust, reliability and solidarity are values that should be carried forward more than ever. Especially in view of the current legislative machinery, political decision-makers should keep a watchful eye so that the idea of solidarity is preserved and the health insurance funds have the opportunity to further develop themselves and their own solidarity community.

BKK VerbundPlus

BKK VerbundPlus

Our aim as a health insurance company is to make your life easier. Our strength as a company health insurance company is an advantage in this: We know all the possibilities for funding and support, which we make full use of in order to simply be able to offer you more. We are proud of that.

Koenig & Bauer BKK

Koenig & Bauer BKK

Koenig & Bauer BKK is more than just a health insurance company, we are your partner for more well-being and fitness, always close to you, personal, close and competent. Become a member now and make an appointment today. Koenig & Bauer BKK Innovative, creative and always at your side When it comes to your health, we come up with a lot of ideas. With our additional services, there is more in it for you and your family. Our regional proximity ensures you short routes, fast response times and always a personal contact.



Krones BKK is your health insurance company right at your workplace. We see ourselves as your colleagues who are committed to your health with strong extra services and personal care. Service is the willingness to go beyond what is necessary, to exceed expectations and to combine personal commitment with empathy. Service is what resonates with you - and what defines us.

Salus BKK

In the forest BKK

For over 125 years, we have been fully committed to our policyholders from a wide range of professions and industries. They benefit from an attractive and comprehensive package of services and a service that has received multiple awards.

Bergische Krankenkasse

Bergische Krankenkasse

We at BERGISCHE KRANKENKASSE have our homeland in our name because our roots lie in the heart of the Bergisches Land. For more than 150 years. That's why we know the wishes and needs of the people in our region very well and know what moves them. We are always there for them, even when things get tough. Our policyholders and customers also enjoy quality with a home advantage in the rest of North Rhine-Westphalia, in Hamburg and Hesse. No one has to do without a direct line to our employees. This is available by phone, email or app - just as quickly, just as easily and just as competently as in real life.

Bertelsmann BKK

Bertelsmann BKK

The BKK was founded in 1957 on the initiative of Reinhard Mohn and leading works council members in order to offer employees the best health insurance. We therefore address employees of Bertelsmann's domestic companies and their families. Anyone who lives or has an employer in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony and Thuringia is eligible to join. We are also open to spouses who have previously been insured elsewhere. Here, the place of residence or employment is not relevant. We also insure many people in the regions mentioned who no longer work for Bertelsmann or people who place their trust in the BKK independently of Bertelsmann.



BKK24 is a high-performance health insurance company that is committed to the health and well-being of its members. With extensive services such as acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy and innovative programs such as "Live longer, better", BKK24 actively supports healthcare. Its digital infrastructure, including an app and online office, enables flexible and modern use of the services - anytime, anywhere. As a sustainable health insurance company, BKK24 is also committed to climate protection, which is closely linked to health protection.

BKK B. Braun Aesculap

BKK B. Braun Aesculap

BKK B. Braun Aesculap is an innovative health insurance company with a strong focus on individual health solutions. As part of the B. Braun Group, it offers tailor-made services that are specifically tailored to the needs of its insured members. From comprehensive prevention and care to digital services such as the electronic patient record (ePA) - BKK B. Braun Aesculap combines tradition with modern healthcare. Sustainability and climate neutrality are at the heart of its work, as is excellent service for members.

BKK exklusiv

BKK exclusive

BKK Exklusiv is a modern health insurance company that focuses on high-quality additional services and excellent service. With offers such as a comprehensive prevention bonus, professional dental cleaning and osteopathy, it actively promotes the health of its members. Innovative services such as the Stork Account for expectant parents and digital services such as the electronic patient file make BKK Exklusiv a reliable partner for healthcare.



We are the modern and family-friendly health insurance company - that is there for you quickly, flexibly and reliably. For those who want more, we offer individual benefits and excellent service.

BKK Herkules

BKK Hercules

Individual customer advice, high-performance health offers and direct contact ... these are the special features of BKK Herkules from Kassel. As a statutory health insurance company, we take our prevention mandate seriously. That is why we offer our insured people a comprehensive range of services to prevent and reduce the risk of illness. We are also committed to your health-conscious behavior - with individual support for every life situation.

BKK Linde

BKK Linde

BKK Linde stands for innovative and digital health solutions that make everyday life easier for its insured members. With services such as TeleClinic, the FitBonus bonus program and the BKK Linde service app, it offers flexible and modern offers that are perfectly tailored to the needs of families, working people and health-conscious people. As a reliable partner in all life situations, BKK Linde combines first-class service, comprehensive health benefits and a strong digital infrastructure.

bkk melitta hmr

bkk melitta hmr

The bkk melitta hmr is a regionally oriented company health insurance fund (BKK) in the German statutory health insurance system with its headquarters in Minden. In addition to being responsible for various companies, it is open to insured persons from the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein. Its offices are located in Minden, Herford, Nordenham, Bünde, Espelkamp, Petershagen and Wiehl.

BKK Pfalz

BKK Pfalz

BKK Pfalz has almost 400 employees who want to inspire you every day. BKK Pfalz is a family-friendly health insurance company with the aim of providing its members with the best possible support in every phase of life. With innovative digital health services such as medical apps and online coaching as well as comprehensive prevention programs, it ensures sustainable health promotion. BKK Pfalz combines personal service with modern digital solutions and makes health easy and accessible for young and old.



Our tradition - trust that connectsBKK Technoform proudly looks back on a long tradition as a regional company health insurance fund. As pioneers of statutory health insurance, company health insurance funds are among the oldest of their kind. This tradition is both an obligation and an incentive for us - we are proud to be part of this history. Strong roots, strong partnershipsOur close ties with the companies that are part of our sponsoring companies continue to shape us today. We have always looked after the health of the employees of these companies. Their friends and families also put their trust in us and are well covered by BKK Technoform.



BKK VDN has been around for over 150 years. We have always successfully adapted to the changing times and the changing needs of our insured people. We are constantly developing new, innovative concepts and additional programs (such as BoNickel, BoNickel-Junior, BoNickel-Prime, BKK Active Week, etc.) from which you benefit. We are very committed to the areas of prevention and rehabilitation, i.e. to maintaining and restoring your health. With us, you are comprehensively taken care of! As an insured person, you will find exactly the health insurance that suits you and your family at BKK VDN. Trust through proximity - that means security in a strong community at any age.

BKK Werra-Meissner

BKK Werra-Meissner

For over 60 years, BKK Werra-Meissner has stood for comprehensive healthcare services, regional offers and a strong, local community that is there as a health insurance company for everyone who lives or works in Hesse or Bavaria. Every day, we ensure that our guiding principle of "feel-good" is experienced by you, our insured people: So that you feel completely comfortable, we work together to ensure that you always enjoy the best care. This shows that being close to you is particularly important to us. And that is why we are very proud of the trust and loyalty you show us: 94% of our insured people are satisfied or very satisfied with us, as independent surveys confirm. You don't have health insurance with us yet? Then get to know us better and immerse yourself in the feel-good feeling of BKK Werra-Meissner.

Continentale BKK

Continental BKK

The Continentale BKK is a company health insurance fund that is open nationwide and looks after around 92,000 insured people in Germany. The Continentale company health insurance fund offers you comprehensive health insurance cover in all situations. During pregnancy, as a family, in training, studying, at work or as a pensioner: we have the right benefits and services for everyone. Sick insured people get the help they need to get well again. We support healthy people with extensive preventive measures to help them stay healthy. With us, you not only benefit from all statutory benefits, but especially from our wide range of extras.

Heimat Krankenkasse

Heimat Krankenkasse

Home is a feeling. It stands for security and trust. For closeness and reliability. As a personal and experienced health partner, your well-being is particularly important to us. We are at your side and want you to be well. And we don't just say that, we put it into practice every day. We are over 260 employees who take care of protecting and promoting the health of more than 120,000 insured people. We pay particular attention to individual and personal service, which our insured people also notice and appreciate. With a score of 1.63 for overall satisfaction, according to a recent customer survey, we are well above the average for statutory health insurance companies. We don't just want to advise you. We want to accompany you on your very own path to staying healthy or getting healthy. Authentic. Competent. Efficient. You can rely on Heimat Krankenkasse - for life!

Merck BKK

Merck BKK

Exclusively for Merck employeesThe Merck BKK is a non-open health insurance company from Merck and therefore an exclusive community of insured persons. As a partner of health, we are responsible for the insured and the company.Flat hierarchies guarantee us a quick processing time and flexible action. We guarantee compliance with the statutory minimum reserve every year and are therefore a reliable business partner.

Novitas BKK


Novitas BKK is one of the most traditional health insurance companies. It stands for more than 180 years of experience and expertise in German health insurance. Our roots go back to 1836, when Alfred Krupp founded the "Hülfs-Krankenkasse der Kruppschen Gussstahlfabrik". Its basic idea was the model for Bismarck's revolutionary health insurance law.We are active nationwide, with a focus on the Ruhr region and northern Germany. This is particularly evident in the eleven offices between Duisburg and Witten and our strong presence in the greater Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein areas. The range of our sponsoring companies extends from thyssenkrupp AG, STEAG AG, Ruhrbahn, Esso to Karstadt, the Gruner Jahr publishing house and many others.We are different from other health insurance companies. And we do so quite consciously. Because we come from here, know the people of the region, speak their language and appreciate their way of life. And we want to be the surprisingly caring health insurance company not only for these people, but of course for all of our insured people. That's why we build a personal relationship with our customers, take our time and accompany them with noticeable care. As a proactive caregiver, we recognize their needs, find the right solution together with them and simply implement it. Our aim: to get the best possible out of the law and statutes for each individual. With suitable digital solutions, we gain time for more personal dialogue. We surprisingly create a good feeling and thus create positive shared experiences.



As a health insurance company for the employees of a service provider, namely R+V Versicherung AG, the service concept is an important part of our self-image. This has been the case since 1992, the year we were founded. We have been open nationwide since 2002. This means: you do not have to work for R+V Versicherung AG to be able to insure yourself with us. For historical reasons, we see ourselves as a health insurance company of the cooperative financial group. Around 40% of our insured people have a corresponding background. For example, they work in a Volksbank, the Union Investment Group or other cooperative companies. Incidentally, we were one of the first statutory health insurance companies to establish a complaint management system in the company. What was true in the past is still true today. Our service culture is very important to us. Your feedback is therefore important to us. We also see ourselves as health advisors, tailored to your individual life situation. In short: we want to use the entire range of services that is possible under the Social Security Code in your interest.

SBK Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse

SBK Siemens company health insurance fund

The SBK is a modern service provider, a reliable employer and sees itself as a creative player in the healthcare system. For over 100 years, the SBK Siemens company health insurance fund has been personally and committed to the interests of the insured. It positions itself as a pioneer for real quality competition in statutory health insurance. From the SBK's point of view, the prerequisite for this is more transparency for the insured - about relevant financial figures, but also about the willingness to perform, advice and service quality of health insurance companies. In the interests of the customer, the SBK also combines the best of the personal and digital worlds and actively drives digitalization in the healthcare system. Find out more about us.

VIACTIV Krankenkasse

VIACTIV health insurance company

As Germany's sports health insurance company, we accompany our insured people on their way to a more active life. Because we are certain that it is worth taking active control of your own health. With our offers, you can easily make your everyday life healthier. We always have your back - with an all-round service that has won multiple awards. We already insure around 730,000 satisfied customers and do our work out of conviction. Let us convince you too!

vivida bkk

vivida bkk

We are vivida bkk: We are a clearly understandable, emotional statutory health insurance company. The health partner at your side. Vivida bkk is a nationwide statutory health insurance company with around 340,000 customers. More than 800 employees work at 16 locations; Siegfried Gänsler is the CEO. With a company history spanning over 190 years, vivida bkk is an experienced health partner in all phases of life. The company health insurance company places value on sustainable health care and focuses on health promotion. The company's own foundation "Die Gesundarbeiter - Zukunftsverantwortung Gesundheit" therefore supports prevention projects, with a focus on children and young people.

WMF Betriebskrankenkasse

WMF company health insurance fund

We are the first health insurance company to have anchored the holistic understanding of health as the harmony of body, mind and soul in our brand core: We are the wellness insurance company for your all-round health and wellness experience. For you, this means: You receive care from us that is tailored to your personal needs and your life situation. With comprehensive benefits and services to enable you to live a holistic lifestyle. Including individual support from direct contacts who are always willing to listen to you.

abl Social Federation GmbH

abl Social Federation GmbH

Technologies for connecting the world.

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