
Because digital will be good

Innovative Ways of Healthcare

Our services

 The Bayerische TelemedAllianz acts as a contact for all activities in the field of telemedicine, eHealth and health telematics. As a neutral competence platform, the BTA initiates, coordinates and networks telemedical initiatives and projects in Germany and beyond. Discover the latest trends and innovations in the field of telemedicine:
Our projects are presented in the online magazine!

BTA Current


Together for modern diabetes care

The DIAPOSIDEX study, a pioneering clinical trial to improve diabetes care, is recruiting participants for its current phase. This study aims to explore new therapeutic approaches and could bring groundbreaking advances in the treatment of diabetes.

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Optimization of Spasticity Treatment After Stroke

The Bavarian TelemedAlliance (BTA) is pleased to present the innovative project “moVe-it”. The aim of this project is to improve the treatment of spasticity in stroke patients through advanced digital care management.

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The Spasticity App for Your Health

Take your health into your own hands

The innovative spasticity app, developed by Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik with the support of Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Friedemann Müller, former head physician of Neurological Early Rehabilitation & Rehabilitation at the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen, now offers an innovative solution for patients and their families who are confronted with the consequences of a stroke.

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Academy. Telemedicine. Bavaria

Wir informieren und unterstützen Sie
Nutzen Sie unser Netzwerk
Wir vermitteln Wissen
  • Certified course

    Our online course “Digital Health Course” will get you ready for the digital future. Ideal for professionals, patients or anyone interested.  

  • Lectures

    Use the BTA's experience for your events or training measures. BTA employees are available as speakers and input providers for both general introductions and specific topics related to telemedicine.

  • Showroom. Telemedicine. Bavaria

    During guided tours, visitors get a practical insight into the


Fit & Slim – Prof Doc's * Stream is your thing!

Reduce fat deposits, maintain health

The appositas app was developed by a team of experts consisting of nutritional doctors, nutritionists and consultants. appositas helps you keep an eye on your own diet and weight, coupled with medical expertise and the latest technology in the kitchen.
* Prof Doc's is Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik

Continue to the appositas website ...


The spasticity-app for your health! Take your health into your own hands.
The spasticity-app was developed by doctors, physiotherapists and computer scientists to help patients after a stroke to detect the early development of spasticity. This spasticity-app can help to identify the warning signs of developing spasticity.

Continue to the spasticity-app website ...
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