Goals & Visions

Goals & Visions

Putting digitalization at the service of patients

What drives us

The intention of the Bayerische TelemedAllianz is to position itself as an interdisciplinary networked interface in medical telematics with the aim of providing solutions, concrete findings and guidance for the practice of patient care in clinics and practices. In particular, topics such as future regulations and standardization, technology options and infrastructures, new social and political framework conditions as well as pricing and financing forms for new telematics services are to be treated in a multidimensional manner at the BTA Institute and go beyond the blockages of the current debates. To this end, the various problems are dealt with consistently in an interdisciplinary manner. The entire chain of effects of eHealth processes in the doctor and patient sector is also taken into account and solutions to problems in patient care are sought in close dialogue with doctor's offices, clinics, pharmacies and non-chartered professions along the entire medical telematics chain.

Our content goals at a glance:

We are committed to sustainable, networked and patient-centered healthcare.

 1️⃣ Digital innovations for better patient care

  • Promotion of telemedicine and AI-supported assistance systems
  • Expansion of virtual care models such as video consultations and digital patient records

 2️⃣ Secure and interoperable infrastructures

  • Integration of the ePA and digital medication plans
  • Standardized interfaces for better networking in the healthcare sector
  • Secure data exchange between service providers

 3️⃣ Optimization of regulatory and financial framework conditions

  • Support for legal digitization initiatives
  • Development of sustainable financing models for telemedicine
  • ensuring the highest data protection standards

 4️⃣ Putting technology into practice

  • Testing of AI diagnostics, telemonitoring and robotics
  • Development of digital care programs for chronic diseases
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration for practical digital solutions

 5️⃣ Promote acceptance and digital health literacy

  • training for medical professionals
  • Education and digital guides for patients
  • Expansion of online platforms for better accessibility

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