
Our partners

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Institutions and organizations with which we cooperate

The Bayerische TelemedAllianz works closely with leading players in healthcare, science and technology to promote innovative solutions and future-oriented care. Together we set standards in digital healthcare.


The German Society for Telemedicine eV (DGTelemed) is a nationwide association for the promotion, dissemination and publication of modern, innovative developments, solutions and products in telemedicine. It sees itself as a professional society for telemedicine that organizes and brings together experts in telemedicine. The DGTelemed is a platform for the exchange of experience between experts and organizes this. Members are hospitals, doctors, scientists, universities, research institutes, medical technology and pharmaceutical companies, consulting and service companies, health insurance companies, medical bodies, IT companies and other institutions and personalities. The DGTelemed promotes contacts between its members and with partners from politics, healthcare, science and business in the German and international healthcare market.

Audi BKK

Audi BKK
The Audi BKK is the healthcare provider in your region and a partner for company health management. As a service company with a long tradition, we act as people for people and use our experience to the benefit of our customers and partners. We feel responsible towards our customers and partners and continually adapt our quality standards to your needs. The Audi BKK offers you attractive solutions for your health and makes innovative care and quality-assured medical progress available to you.

Bechtle AG

Bechtle AG
With more than 85 IT system houses and IT trading companies in 14 European countries, we are close to our customers. The combination of direct sales of IT products with comprehensive system house services makes Bechtle a future-proof IT partner for medium-sized companies, corporations and public clients. Regionally on site, in Europe and worldwide through IT alliance partners on all continents.As a service provider with strong implementation skills for future-proof IT architectures, the classic IT infrastructure is as important to us as the current topics of digitization, cloud, modern workplace, security and IT as a service. Around 40,000 hardware and software products are available via online shop, on customer-specific e-procurement platforms and via telesales. Across the group, experts in 94 competence centers also deal with a wide variety of consulting-intensive IT topics.


Berlin-Chemie has been developing, producing and selling pharmaceutical products for over 130 years and has been a subsidiary of the Menarini Group, the leading Italian pharmaceutical company, since 1992.

Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH

Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH
Our company was founded in 2006 through the merger of the well-established Japanese companies Daiichi and Sankyo in Europe. Daiichi Sankyo is a global pharmaceutical company based in Japan with a presence in more than 20 countries worldwide. With over 100 years of scientific expertise, we have pioneered some leading medicines that have improved the lives of countless people. Our company headquarters are in Tokyo. In Europe, we are represented in 13 countries with around 2,000 employees. Our European headquarters is in Munich (Germany), and one of our global production sites is located not far away in Pfaffenhofen.

Dexcom Deutschland GmbH

Dexcom Deutschland GmbH
DEXCOM - the provider of continuous real-time tissue glucose monitoring (rtCGM)Dexcom, Inc., founded in 1999, has a presence in 39 countries worldwide with its headquarters in San Diego, California, and another headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. With our continuous glucose monitoring technology, we are changing the way we deal with diabetes. The solution helps patients and professionals to better manage the disease and enables better treatment outcomes compared to using conventional blood glucose monitoring systems alone.

gematik – Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH

gematik - Society for Telematics Applications of the Health Card mbH

gematik mbH is a holding company of the leading organizations of the German health care system and was founded in 2005. Its legal mandate is to introduce, maintain and further develop the telematics infrastructure in the health care system, the electronic health card (eGK) and the associated telematics applications for data communication between insured persons, health professionals and cost bearers. gematik develops the overarching IT standards necessary for the introduction of the electronic health card for the construction and operation of a common communications infrastructure for all those involved in the health care system. For future operational operations, it is a test center and approval authority for industrial components and services of the telematics infrastructure and bears operational responsibility.

Praxisnetz GO IN e.V.

GO IN practice network eV
The GO IN practice network is an association of doctors of all disciplines from Region 10. We are currently pleased to have around 200 medical practices that are members of the practice network. GO IN aims to sustainably improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of medical care in the region. This is achieved through many collaborations with service providers and funding bodies in Region 10, among other things.

Hochschule Ansbach

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
The Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is the youngest university in Bavaria and has now grown dynamically to almost 3,000 students. From the very beginning, the subject of telemedicine was anchored in the "Business Administration" degree program with a focus on health management. With the development of new degree programs such as "Industrial Biotechnology" and "Biomedical Engineering", additional competencies have been established at the university. The subject of telemedicine is part of the curriculum in the "Departmental Journalism" media degree program. Various initiatives were actively supported, such as the "STENO" stroke project in northern Bavaria. Telemedical aspects are also taught in "Multimedia and Communication".Overall, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences can thus contribute to the field of telemedicine with its multimedia orientation and engineering expertise.

Studiengang Biomedizinische Technik der Hochschule Ansbach

Biomedical Engineering degree program at Ansbach University
Biomedical Engineering involves the development of devices, systems and software to support modern medicine. The Bachelor's degree program in Biomedical Engineering was first offered in the winter semester of 2009/10 and is the first independent degree program in (bio)medical engineering at universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. The degree program is interdisciplinary and practice-oriented: It covers the basics of natural and engineering sciences, diagnostic and therapeutic issues in medicine, but also content from business administration and important legal aspects.

Hypertoniezentrum München, Excellence Centre of the European Society of Hypertension

Munich Hypertension Center, Excellence Centre of the European Society of Hypertension
The Hypertension Center has been recognized by the European Society as a Hypertension Excellence Center of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). It is headed by Prof. Middeke, who has been active in hypertension research for over 30 years.


HypoVereinsbank is part of UniCredit, a pan-European commercial bank with a unique offering in Italy, Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Our goal is to help society develop further by offering the best to everyone involved and to unlock the potential of our customers and our employees across Europe.We serve more than 15 million customers worldwide. They are the heart of our work in our markets. UniCredit is made up of four core regions and two product areas that offer solutions for corporate and private customers. This enables us to support them closely and use the range of services of the entire group to supply all markets with the best products.Digitalization and commitment to ESG principles are essential prerequisites for our services. They help us to provide excellent support to our stakeholders and to shape a sustainable future for our customers, society and employees.

Infor (Deutschland) GmbH

Infor (Deutschland) GmbH

Infor is a global company that provides software products for every aspect of a business. Infor develops complete industry suites in the cloud, using efficient technologies that put usability first, leverage data science, and integrate easily with existing systems.


Ipsen is a global, specialized biopharmaceutical company with a focus on innovation and specialty care. Ipsen's vision is to significantly improve the health and quality of life of patients. To this end, the company focuses on innovative therapeutic solutions for specific, severely debilitating diseases for which there is a high, unmet medical need.

Institut für Akademische Weiterbildung der Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Institute for Academic Continuing Education at the Technical University of Ingolstadt
The Institute for Academic Continuing Education offers working professionals the ideal opportunity for further education. Here, trained specialists can acquire a bachelor's degree while continuing to work, and academics can round off their profile with a master's degree.

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg (KVBW)

Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBW)

The Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBW) is responsible for organizing outpatient medical care in the state. The Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians is one thing above all: the service provider of choice for around 23,700 doctors and psychotherapists - our members. Together with them, we design and ensure that people receive comprehensive medical care close to their homes, of a quality that is appropriate for their most valuable asset - their health. With a high degree of efficiency, we keep the health system up to date with the latest medical advances, monitor the implementation of state requirements, ensure the development of the medical art and advocate for the interests of our members.

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (KVB)

Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVB)

The Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVB) is an organization of practicing physicians and psychotherapists in Bavaria. It works for physicians, psychotherapists and junior medical professionals as well as for all citizens who have statutory health insurance.

With around 2,000 employees, the KVB is an important player in the healthcare system at the Bavarian and federal level. It represents the interests of its more than 30,000 members vis-à-vis politicians, health insurance companies and the public.

The KVB has been organizing outpatient care for 75 years now and ensures that medical help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, everywhere in Bavaria.

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung (KV) Berlin

Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin ensures that doctors and psychotherapists can work under good conditions in their practices – always for the benefit of their patients.

People with statutory health insurance in Berlin can freely choose their doctors and psychotherapists and receive high-quality treatment close to where they live. The KV Berlin creates the framework for the good work of its members - for more than 10,000 contract doctors and psychotherapists who are established and employed in practices. Our motivation: to not only make outpatient care possible, but to make it better.

As a public corporation, the KV Berlin represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis the legislature and the other actors in the joint self-administration. At the same time, according to the Social Code Book V, the KV Berlin must ensure that the outpatient care of those with statutory health insurance is "adequate, appropriate and economical". We fulfill this task together with the health insurance companies.

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Niedersachsen (KVN)

Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Lower Saxony (KVN)

We, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Lower Saxony (KVN), represent our approximately 16,387 members, the practicing physicians and psychotherapists in Lower Saxony.

Klinikum Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt Hospital

Medical expertise, first-class care and individual support – every patient is in good hands at the Ingolstadt Clinic. The best possible treatment and therapy is guaranteed by the nationally and internationally recognized physicians in the clinics and institutes as well as the affiliated clinics. The interdisciplinary cooperation of the individual specialists enables comprehensive medical care and advice. Even in unforeseeable emergencies, a specialist is always on site, and short transport routes increase comfort.

Lehrstuhl für Gesundheitsmanagement der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Chair of Health Management at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

The Chair of Health Management at Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg, headed by Prof. Dr. Oliver Schöffski, focuses on research and teaching on the economic and organizational issues of the German health care system. The main areas of research are health care research and the evaluation of all types of measures in the health care system, the so-called health economic evaluations. These measures also include telemedical care concepts and AAL technologies. In addition, there is a great commitment to the in-service training of specialists and managers in the health care system. In this context, a supplementary elective module "Age-appropriate assistance systems and AAL" was launched in 2013.

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Technischen Universität München

Chair of Business Information Systems and Business Process ManagementTUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

Technical University of Munich

The Chair of Business Information Systems has existed for 26 years. It was originally founded in 1987 at the University of Hohenheim. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar accepted a position at the Technical University of Munich, where the chair is located in the Faculty of Computer Science. Since then, the chair has grown continuously, and in January 2014 it had 32 employees. These are each assigned to one of four research clusters, which are supervised by a research group leader.

MEDI GENO Deutschland e.V.

MEDI GENO Deutschland eV

As an interdisciplinary organization, MEDIVERBUND has been successfully supporting established medical practices in all political and economic matters for over 20 years, so that practices can concentrate on their core business. The goals of MEDIVERBUND are: securing and optimizing outpatient care, reducing bureaucracy, optimizing the profitability and efficiency of practices, and modernizing and digitizing work processes.

MEDI Bayern e.V.

MEDI Bayern e.V.

MEDI Bayern eV is an interest group of Bavarian contracted doctors and psychotherapists and is thus the heart of a dynamic movement that connects all service providers. We offer you an integrated platform for medical training, networking, digitization and political influence - from individual practices to doctor networks and specialist associations - with the latest know-how - specifically from doctors - for doctors!

Medical Valley EMN e. V.

Medical Valley EMN e. V.

Medical Valley supports healthcare services along the entire value chain - from the product idea to clinical validation to market access and reimbursement. The Medical Valley ecosystem in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg enables you to exchange information quickly and easily with all relevant players.

MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH

MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH

MSD is one of the world's largest research-based biopharmaceutical companies. We have stood for medical progress for over 130 years. We develop innovative medicines and vaccines as well as products for animal health. The health of people and animals is what drives us.

NEVAS: Das Neurovaskuläre Versorgungsnetzwerk für Südwestbayern

NEVAS: The Neurovascular Care Network for Southwest Bavaria

NEVAS, decided by the Bavarian Hospital Planning Committee and financed by the Bavarian funding bodies, is an amalgamation of the three neurovascular center clinics, the University Hospital of Munich, the Ingolstadt Hospital and the Günzburg District Hospital, as well as 15 regional cooperation clinics at the district level. NEVAS is tasked with ensuring comprehensive care of stroke patients at the highest level in the southwest Bavaria region. NEVAS represents a further development of the classic telemedical stroke networks. In addition to the classic modules such as the development of a care structure for stroke patients on site or the telemedical acute assessment of a patient by a stroke specialist from the consulting centers, NEVAS also takes into account specialized neurovascular maximum care. This is achieved through targeted transfers of patients within the network. NEVAS can be seen as a blueprint for how modern networked medicine can be practiced across the country.

Netzwerk Medizintechnik der Hochschule Landshut

Medical Technology Network of Landshut University of Applied Sciences

The application-oriented medical technology network at Landshut University of Applied Sciences includes partners from the fields of medicine, science and politics. The network covers a wide range of event formats with medical applications, especially in the field of minimally invasive imaging, point-of-care devices for emergency use, new materials, medical assistance systems and applications in telemedicine and data networking. One focus is on networking regional companies that want to strengthen and further expand medical technology as a business area. In addition to joint technology scouting with clinics, emergency services and users of medical technology and the initiation of research and development projects, another focus is the qualification of companies in the field of quality management and cross-border cooperation.



As a reliable partner for critical communications networks, we focus on innovation and technology leadership - from mobile to fixed-line to cloud technology. Thanks to the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we create value through intellectual property and long-term research. We have set ourselves the highest standards when it comes to integrity and security - for a productive, sustainable and inclusive world.

Privates Tele-Ophthalmologisches Institut Erlangen (TOI) im Medical Valley Center

Privates Tele-Ophthalmologisches Institut Erlangen (TOI) im Medical Valley Center

The private Tele-Ophthalmological Institute Erlangen is an association of ophthalmologists who use telemedical methods to provide ophthalmological assessments of images and data. This makes it possible to conduct tele-eye consultations in cooperation with Talkingeyes & more GmbH for internal medicine, general medical or neurological facilities and comprehensive eye screening examinations with telemedical assessments in companies, sports clubs and old people's and nursing homes. The examinations of the tele-eye consultation are based on special photographs of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, on examinations of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereo vision, intraocular pressure and the field of vision. This provides a very valid picture of vision, possible retinal vascular changes, early changes that threaten vision such as glaucoma or macular degeneration or degeneration of retinal neurons in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease. The images and data recorded are assessed telemedically by an ophthalmologist and summarized in a doctor's letter. All images and findings are accessible to doctors providing further treatment with the patient's consent. Since 2002, more than 70,000 patients have been examined using this method. The Tele-Ophthalmological Institute in Erlangen has been combining ophthalmology with modern information technology for many years and offers knowledge and experience in the field of eye and health care. The Tele-Ophthalmological Institute in Erlangen works together with Talkingeyes&more GmbH, the Chair of Pattern Recognition, the Chair of High Frequency Technology, the Institute of Sports Science and Sports, the Interdisciplinary Institute for Ophthalmic Preventive Medicine and Imaging at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and numerous practicing ophthalmologists, general practitioners and internists (cardiologists) throughout Germany. The concept has won several awards: the 2006 Medical Technology Award from the City of Erlangen, the 2008 eHealth Award from the University of Bayreuth and the 2012 Karl Storz Telemedicine Award. Tele-eye consultation is modular and has several examination options that can be combined depending on the task.

SPÖRER Sanitätshaus und Orthopädiefachgeschäft

SPÖRER medical supply store and orthopedic specialist store

SPÖRER AG has developed over many decades from a classic medical supply store and orthopedic specialist shop to a modern service provider in the healthcare sector - for all age groups and all areas of life. With us you will find professional advice and comprehensive services, a large range of products for early intervention, rehabilitation, prophylaxis, home care, sport, fitness and wellness. Through regular, close exchange with doctors, therapists, funding bodies, care facilities and self-help groups, we contribute to the optimal support and relief of patients and caring relatives.D

Our experienced and committed team is at your side if you want to enjoy your life as actively and independently as possible and value long-term quality of life and well-being.

Das Schlaganfallnetzwerk mit Telemedizin in Nordbayern STENO

The Stroke Network with Telemedicine in Northern Bavaria STENO

The stroke network with telemedicine in northern Bavaria STENO enables stroke patients to be treated equally and according to the latest standards across the entire care region of northern Bavaria and southern Thuringia. STENO is anchored in the Bavarian Hospital Plan as part of standard care and is financed by the Bavarian funding bodies. Under the coordination of the Neurology Clinic of the University Hospital Erlangen, 18 standard and specialist care clinics in Central, Upper and Lower Franconia, Upper Palatinate and southern Thuringia cooperate with the supra-regional stroke treatment centers in Bayreuth, Erlangen and Nuremberg. The three centers provide neurologists experienced in stroke treatment on a rotating basis 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the teleconsultation assessment and treatment of acute strokes in the network's clinics. In addition, a stroke unit has been set up in each hospital in the network. Here, patients are cared for by a specialized interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and therapists. If a transfer is necessary, the three centers are available with all the options for maximum care. The entire network is certified for its uniform, cross-facility quality management in accordance with the internationally valid quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences

With deep roots in its homeland of Lower Bavaria, the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences has developed since 1994 into the most successful new university of applied sciences of the 1990s in Bavaria. No one could have predicted this success in the year it was founded. But with the future always firmly in mind, the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences has succeeded: with the gradual development of attractive fields of study, supplemented by an attractive range of continuing education courses, intensive research activities and knowledge and technology transfer to the regional economy, taking up economic and social trends and maintaining regional and international contacts.

We live a borderless university

Today, over 8,000 young people study at the study locations in Deggendorf, Pfarrkirchen and Cham. More than 30 percent of them come to Lower Bavaria from all over the world to study. Teaching focuses on the areas of business, technology, digitalization and health. Numerous bachelor's and master's programs are offered in these fields, including in the continuing education sector. All courses meet national and international quality standards. In addition to the main campus in Deggendorf, the DHD offers another great opportunity to obtain a bachelor's and/or master's degree with its study locations in Pfarrkirchen and Cham. Those who would like to study in English and in a multicultural environment will find what they are looking for at the European Campus Rottal-Inn and the Cham Campus in particular.

pioneer in knowledge and technology transfer

The university has a strong bond with the town and the Bavarian Forest region. Before the university was founded, Deggendorf was a rather sleepy little town, but today it is young and modern with a colorful cityscape that combines different cultures and nations. The presence of students is clearly noticeable. The town and university have grown together. The Bavarian Forest also benefits from science. In 2009, the first of today's eleven research and technology campuses opened in Teisnach. With the technology campus concept, the university is taking on a clear pioneering role in cooperation with business and the local community. Together they help to support companies in research, development and consulting, thereby creating new prospects for young, qualified people.

Down-to-earth, but always open to new things

The DIT has always clearly shaped its future when it has taken advantage of existing opportunities and surprised people with extraordinary ideas and their rapid implementation. In 2013, for example, the application for the title of "Technical University" was an important and successful step in its development. In 2015, at the suggestion of the DIT, another faculty for health sciences was established. And the international campus in Pfarrkirchen, which opened in 2015, has also exceeded all expectations. For the current president, Prof. Dr. Peter Sperber, the success of the Deggendorf University is a combination of many factors: "Here in Deggendorf, we have always put in a lot of effort, have not let up and have also taken unconventional paths."

Creative, intelligent, responsible

Of course, DIT has not taken all these paths without a long-term goal. 10,000 students by 2030, that is the vision. The fact that this goal is no longer a utopia was confirmed in autumn 2019. Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder has given the green light for the next major project. The construction of a digitization center is in full swing and has begun with the founding of the Faculty of Applied Computer Science with a total capacity of 1,000 additional students.

Familial Campus Life

The atmosphere on campus is still familiar despite rapid growth. Deggendorf has many advantages as a university town. The distances between the campus, the city and the dormitories are short and can be reached on foot. Due to the proximity to the Danube and the Bavarian Forest, there are numerous opportunities for leisure activities. The good transport links also invite you to take trips all over Bavaria. The moderate housing and living costs are another plus point for many students. The university itself also offers an extensive program with music festivals, concerts, theater and club life. In university sports, competitive athletes can take part in competitions in many sports, e.g. in the Bavarian and German university championships. The students are very interested and the THD has been able to crown itself with numerous titles in recent years. Student clubs are actively involved in shaping campus life. Almost 20 clubs from various disciplines offer students in Deggendorf and Pfarrkirchen the opportunity to get involved, meet new friends and have fun.

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