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Study on diabetes treatment: DIAPOSIDEX brings new hope

August 14, 2024 | BTA-Aktuell, Press releases

  • PM | Study on diabetes treatment

    Baar-Ebenhausen near Ingolstadt, [14/08/2024] - 

    The DIAPOSIDEX study, a pioneering clinical investigation to improve diabetes treatment, is seeking participants for its current phase. This study aims to explore new therapeutic approaches and could bring breakthrough advances in the treatment of diabetes.

    What is the DIAPOSIDEX study?

    The DIAPOSIDEX study is an advanced research project focussing on the development and evaluation of new treatment strategies for diabetes. The study is being conducted by an interdisciplinary team of experts led by Prof. Siegfried Jedamzik, MD, and aims to test innovative therapeutic approaches that could revolutionise the management of diabetes. By participating in the study, patients have the opportunity to benefit from the latest medical findings and technologies.

    Why is the study important?

    Diabetes is a major challenge for patients and the healthcare system. Despite significant advances in treatment, the search for better, personalised treatment options remains crucial. The DIAPOSIDEX study provides an opportunity to evaluate innovative therapeutic approaches that may significantly improve treatment outcomes.

    Advantages for participants:

    - Access to the latest therapeutic approaches: Participants can test new and promising treatment options before they are generally available.

    - Close medical care: Study participants will receive comprehensive care throughout the duration of the study, including regular check-ups and individual counselling.

    - Contribution to medical research: Your participation helps to gain important insights that could improve the future treatment of diabetes.

    Participation requirements:

    The study is aimed at people who suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Interested parties can obtain detailed information on the conditions of participation on the website and find out whether they are eligible for the study.

    How can you take part?

    Interested persons can register on the website and receive all the necessary information. The dedicated DIAPOSIDEX study team is available to answer questions and guide participants through the enrolment process.


    DIAPOSIDEX is a leading research initiative specialising in the development of innovative therapies for diabetes. Through our dedicated research and advanced clinical trials, we are working to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes worldwide and open up new treatment options.

    Notes to editors:

    Participation in the study is free of charge.

    Further information can be found on our website


    GOIN e.V.

    Oberer Grasweg 50

    85055 Ingolstadt

    Tel.: 0841 88668-0

    Fax: 0841 88668-18



moVe-it: Optimization of spasticity treatment after stroke

June 8, 2024 | BTA-Aktuell, Press releases

Projekt moVe-it
  • PM | Project "moVe-it"

    The Bavarian Telemedicine Alliance (BTA) is pleased to present the innovative ‘moVe-it’ project. The aim of this project is to improve the treatment of spasticity in stroke patients through advanced digital care management. It is based on interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of state-of-the-art telemedicine.

    Project goals and project measures

    The ‘moVe-it’ project aims to improve the quality of life of patients with spasticity after a stroke. This is achieved by implementing botulinum toxin treatment in combination with physiotherapy. Digital care management plays a central role here, enabling continuous patient care.

    The core components of the project are

    moVe-it app: A specially developed app to support patients in self-monitoring and continuous monitoring of their therapy.

    Interdisciplinary case conferences: Regular meetings between GPs, neurologists and physiotherapists to create patient-specific treatment plans.

    moVe-it medical managers (mmM): 

    A medical manager coordinates the interdisciplinary case conferences with the subsequent therapy measures and is available to patients and their relatives as a contact person.

    Project participants and sponsors

    The project is being carried out by a consortium led by Mobil Krankenkasse.

    Other important partners are

    Bayerische TelemedAllianz GmbH – Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik

    Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen – Prof. Dr. Klaus Jahn & Dr. Friedemann Müller

    Therapiezentrum Burgau – Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Bender

    Universitätsklinikum Regensburg – Prof. Dr. med. Felix Schlachetzki

    Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin – PD Dr. med. Alexander Heinrich Nave

    Kliniken Beelitz GmbH – Prof. Dr. med. Anna Gorsler

    inav – privates Institut für angewandte Versorgungsforschung GmbH – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Amelung

    BKK Landesverband Bayern – Jennifer Ettl

    BKK mkk – meine krankenkasse – Lars Straubing

    Bundesverband selbstständiger Physiotherapeuten (IFK e. V.) – Anne Jana Bartsch

    Cortex Management GmbH – Berufsverband Deutscher Neurologen e. V. – Bernhard Michatz

    Ärztenetz MEDI Bayern e. V.

    GOIN Gesundheitsorganisation Region Ingolstadt e. V.

    Arbeitskreis Rehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten und Schädelhirnverletzten in Bayern e. V. – Dr. med. Matthias Schaupp

    Technische Hochschule Rosenheim – Prof. Dr. Petra Bauer

    Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe – Dr. Michael Brinkmeie

    Benedictus Krankenhaus Feldafing – Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Sander

    IImtalkliniken GmbH – Dr. med. Peter Grein

    Kreiskrankenhaus Schrobenhausen

    Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle – Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Martin Ebinger

    Neurologie am Ostbahnhof – Dr. med. Thomas Heveling

    Neurologie am Hackeschen Markt – Dr. med. Walter Raffauf

    Berliner Schlaganfall-Allianz e. V. – Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Meisel

    Neurologie am Funkerberg – Dr. med. Andreas Funke

    BIG direkt gesund

    29 Betriebskrankenkassen unter Federführung des BKK Landesverbands Bayern

    Bergische Krankenkasse

    Heimat Krankenkasse

    SBK Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse

    VIACTIV Krankenkasse

    vivida bkk

    WMF Betriebskrankenkasse

    Dr. Tatiana Ackermann, Fachärztin für Neurologie

    Dr. Ralf Jankovits, Neurozentrum Prien

    Duration and funding

    If the consortium receives a funding commitment from the Innovation Fund at the end of the year, it would run for a period of 36 months from July 2025 to June 2028.

    Innovation fund and milestones

    The ‘moVe-it’ project is being funded by the Innovation Fund as part of a two-stage process. We successfully passed the first stage in November 2023. The full application was submitted on 28 May 2024 and we are now eagerly awaiting the result in November 2024.

    Expected results

    The targeted improvement in care and close interdisciplinary collaboration should reduce spasticity symptoms, improve patients' quality of life and reduce the burden on carers. Early and guideline-compliant treatment should also prevent long-term complications and reduce healthcare costs.

    Link to the article by Mobil Krankenkasse

CaringEyes: Innovative Doctor – Nursing Home – Communication

July 14, 2023 | BTA-Aktuell, Press releases

CaringEyes: Innovative Arzt – Pflegeheim – Kommunikation
  • PM | Invitation to the on-site event

    We would like to present CaringEyes, an innovative solution that enables virtual visits using AR glasses to improve the care of people in care homes. CaringEyes ( supports care and therapy in care homes under medical supervision.

    You will also have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with other innovative solutions for patient care, such as the spasticity app. The spasticity app was developed for the care of patients after a stroke and offers extensive functions for the early detection of spasticity development.

    Advantages at a glance:

    ✅ Fast and effective medical care 🏥👩‍⚕️ 💭

    ✅ Patients can remain in their familiar surroundings 👨‍⚕️🏥

    ✅ Visual instructions for care staff 👨‍⚕️🏥

    ✅ Improving the quality of life 🌞

    ✅ Billable for doctors 💰

    ✅ User-friendly interface 🖥️

    The event offers you the opportunity to experience our solutions at first hand and receive detailed information. You will have the chance to ask questions, give feedback and gain valuable insights into the practical application of our products.

Improving care management and quality of care after a stroke 🧠

11.07.2023 | BTA-Aktuell, Press releases

Einladung zur Hybrid-Fortbildung
  • PM | Invitation to hybrid training

    Improving care management and quality of care after a stroke 

    → Date and time: Tuesday, 11 July 2023

    → Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

    → Location: Bavarian TelemedAlliance (BTA), Brückenstr. 13 a, 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen near Ingolstadt

    → Continuing education points: 2

    Be there when the Bayerische Telemedallianz GmbH organises an advanced training event for you together with the GOIN doctors' network. Seize the opportunity and get the latest information from a first-hand source. We look forward to welcoming you on site or online to this training event. You can also log in with your mobile phone by downloading the Zoom app and scanning the QR code.

    Here is the link to the Zoom meeting:

    Launch Meeting - Zoom

    Your speakers / topics:

    Prof Dr Siegfried Jedamzik, GP and 1st Chairman of GO IN e.V.

    ‘Analogue and digital control Poststroke with e-prescription and electronic patient file in the telematics infrastructure’

    from 18:30 to 19:15

    Dr Friedemann Müller, former Chief Physician at Schön Klinik Bad Aibling SE & Co KG

    ‘Motivation for secondary prevention after a stroke’

    from 19:15 to 20:00

Innovative AR glasses “CaringEyes” revolutionize telemedicine

05.07.2023 | BTA-Aktuell, Press releases

Innovative AR-Brille „CaringEyes“ revolutioniert die Telemedizin
  • PM | Schedule a demo NOW!

    Revolutionary technology enables doctors to care for their patients in real time - CaringEyes is changing the way we look at the medical future!

    (Ingolstadt, 30.06.2023) The future of telemedicine has a new name: ‘CaringEyes’. CaringEyes sets new standards in telemedicine and promises seamless and highly precise patient care.

    ‘We are delighted to be launching CaringEyes on the market,’ says the founder of the innovative solution, Prof Dr Siegfried Jedamzik, a general practitioner and professor of informatics in the healthcare industry. ‘Our aim is to continue to ensure patient care in the future and to exploit the benefits of digitalisation in medicine.’

    The AR glasses offer a variety of functions that have been specially developed for the field of telemedicine. With the help of CaringEyes, doctors can care for their patients in real time and thus take on the view of the CaringEyes user (e.g. carer or paramedic). This allows the attending physician to give instructions to the medical staff on site in real time. This improves the diagnosis and enables more precise treatment planning.

    The CaringEyes AR glasses enable seamless collaboration between healthcare professionals by providing them with real-time communication and a shared view of the patient. Nurses, paramedics and medical assistants can interact directly with the attending physician and benefit from their expertise.

    ‘CaringEyes is changing the way we look at telemedicine,’ says Prof Dr Siegfried Jedamzik, CEO of CaringEyes. ‘Our AR glasses enable doctors to provide immersive and highly precise care, regardless of their location. We believe this will lead to improved patient outcomes and more efficient medical care.’

    CaringEyes was developed with privacy and data security in mind. All medical data is securely encrypted and protected to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

    For more information about CaringEyes and its revolutionary AR glasses, please visit

    Book a demo appointment NOW!

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